Note from the Director
It has been a wonderful year of continued success. Big congratulations to our Quran Competition winners and Scientific Research Competition participants & winners!
It was a pleasure to see many of you during our Spring Semester Parent Teacher Conference. Please remain in contact with teachers while motivating our students. We hope you will attend our Family Fun Day on April 8th, 10 AM – 2 PM! Family & friends are welcome!
Upcoming Holiday
Spring Break: April 16 – 20, 2017
Students are not to attend school during the dates listed above.
Please note that excused absences will not be permitted for extended vacation times beyond the listed holiday.
Next School Year Calender
As you begin to make travel arrangements for next school year, please view the 2017 – 2018 School Year Calendar. Pending the Ministry of Education & Higher Education’s final approval, our school year calendar will remain as presented. The start date for next school year is Sunday, September 10, 2017.
Please keep in mind that extended holidays are considered an Unexcused Absence. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this matter.
Science Fair
The Science Fair will take place on May 3, 2017. Students will display/present their Science Fair projects and winners will be determined. You will receive more details as the date approaches. We hope you will attend!
Recent Technology at DeBakey
Throughout the year, there have been many improvements with technology usage in the classrooms. In addition to the added middle school technology course and additional high school computer courses, several activities have been incorporated in the lessons: Plickers, Kahoot, Socrative, Office Mix, Skype for Business, Flipgrid, and Storybird. As per the student reviews, the activities have been well received. Ask your children about the technology usage in their lessons, and please provide us with your feedback.
To further this improvement, we plan for all our students to have their own Microsoft Surface next school year. As this will involve your input, please expect a survey very soon! Student success is always our aim and technology usage is a must in order to best prepare our students.
Recent Happenings
- DeBakey Sports Day
- Hamad Hospital Rotations
- World Book Day
- Poetry Slam (high school)
- Spelling Bee (middle school)
- College of North Atlantic Skills Workshop
- Middle School Character Trait Presentations
- Knowledge Zone College Expo
- Scientific Research Project – our students won many awards!
- Best Buddies Ceramics Field Trip
- Microsoft Code Camp Participation
- Art Field Trip
- Field Trip Day (movies & kayaking)
- Merit Field Trip
- Provided student voluteers for QITCOM Digital Youth Conference – our students did an excellent job with Microsoft!
- Spring Parent Teacher Conference
- On-going Fire Drill Practice
Social Media
Please note that we have started our social media accounts. This will serve as an additional avenue for you to know the recent happenings at school. We will include student input to work with the accounts as well. You are encouraged to ‘like’ & follow for relevant updates.
Click the below icons for links to our social pages.

Upcoming PTA Events
Family Fun Day will take place April 8th, 10 AM – 2 PM! Come enjoy many fun games and food with your family! You are welcome to bring your friends as well.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the PTA events!
If you are interested to join PTA, please contact us! We would love for more parents to be involved.
We are now accepting applications for the 2017 – 2018 School Year! We are considering applications for grades 6 – 10 only. If you have any children or relatives who would like to be considered for next school year’s enrollment, now is the time to begin the application process.
A few requirements have changed for the next school year. Please visit the Admissions link located on the website for more information. To take the assessment it is only necessary to complete the registration form through the link below. Next Assessment: April 27th, 2PM
We have a bright future ahead!
Class of 2017 College Acceptances

Our seniors have applied to several universities all over the world. Their college acceptances are now continuing to arrive. In recognition of their achievement, we will share the great news with you through each newsletter! So far, their acceptances are as follows:
- Concordia University
- St. George’s University of London
- University of Buffalo
- Virginia Commonwealth University – Qatar
- American University – Dubai
- California College of Arts
- St. Francis Xavier University
- Stony Brook University
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Ontario of Technology
- Georgia State University
- Brock University
- American University of Sharjah
- Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
- Tufts University
- Ryerson University
- Liverpool International College
- University of Manchester
- University of Sheffield
- University of Surrey
- Brunel University London
- Michigan State University
- University of Leicester
You may also view university choices from previous graduates here.