Note from the Director
It was a pleasure to see many of you at the Parent / Teacher Conference. As our Cycle 2 instruction has come to an end, please continue to reinforce studies at home during Cycle 2 exams. Respect is a very important value that we expect from all students, staff and parents of our DeBakey family. Please continue to help us in ensuring this quality is displayed at all times.
International Culture Appreciation
DeBakey is comprised of many beautiful cultures and backgrounds. We recently held our International Day celebration for students to celebrate each other. It is important that students understand the importance of respect and sincere appreciation for others. Attending our school in Doha provides students a global, first-hand interaction and opportunity to gain friendships with students of various cultures. Such an advantage will greatly benefit all students in their future endeavors.
We would like your support in efforts of continuing culture appreciation:
- Encourage your child to build friendships at school
- Remind your child to respect their classmates that may look or speak differently
- Ask your child about their efforts to welcome others

Upcoming Events
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting: November 23, 2015, 6:30 PM
- Parent MAP Night: November 24, 2015, 6:30 PM
- Cycle 3 Instruction Period: November 26 – January 18, 2015
- Rise ‘n Coffee: Dec 2, 2015, 7 AM – 7:45 AM
- Qatar National Day Celebration: December 10, 2015 (early dismissal at 12 PM)
- Winter Break: December 17 – January 2 (students return January 3, 2016)
Rise ‘n Coffee
Rise ‘n Coffee is a PTA-sponsored event where all parents are invited to meet with each other as you drop your child at school. Coffee and morning pastries will be available December 2, 2015 from 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM.
Please visit this link to quickly RSVP:
If you have an questions, please contact
Recent happenings
- Parent / Teacher Conference
- Cycle 1 Achievement Assembly (Honor Roll & Respect Acknowledgement)
- Think PINK Day
- International Day
- Student Council and Senior Office Elections
- Best Buddies Orientation & First Event
- IPC Athletics World Championship Field Trip
- Grade 7 Peter Pan Field Trip
- Weill Cornell Medical College Cancer Presentation
- Middle School Girls Olympics football team competed in tournaments
- Qatar Charity Donations
- Diabetes Walk A Thon
- High School Debate Competitions
- INJAZ Program Participation
- MAP Testing
- SAT Prep Program
- Educational Expo
- Lend A Hand Club – Diabetes Bake Sale
Qatar National Day
In recognition of Qatar National Day, we will have a celebration on Thursday, December 10, 2014. Students are required to attend school on this day (attendance will be taken). There will be an early dismissal at 12 PM. Please ensure necessary pick-up arrangements for your child.
Students are encouraged to wear Qatari national clothing (Girls: abaya, Boys: thobe), or students may wear shirts matching the colors of the Qatar national flag (white & maroon) with uniform pants. Students may also wear their standard uniform if he or she chooses.
We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin but we all belong to the human race.