School Management & Student Information System
RenWeb is an internet based School Management and Student Information system that embraces the various needs of administration, staff, teachers, parents and students. RenWeb ParentsWeb is a private and secure website that has been set up for our school to allow parents to see complete information specific to their child.
Parents can view their child’s grades, attendance, homework, conduct and other useful school information.
Parents can also communicate with teachers and other school staff online whenever necessary. Thus RenWeb gives the busy parent an opportunity to get more involved in their child’s academic progress and future success.
Please click the below link to log in to our School Management & Student Information System.

Instructions to login to the ParentsWeb
First, you need to make sure that the school has your email address in RenWeb.
- Go to and click Logins.
- Click ParentsWeb Login.
- Type your school’s District Code DEB-QAT .
- New parents, Click Create New ParentsWeb Account. Parents who already have an account can login with their user name & Password.
- Type your email address as user name and an email is sent to you from RenWeb Technical Support. Open your email inbox and follow the link in the email to reset your password.
- Click the Click to change password link. This link is only valid for 30 minutes.
- A web browser displays your Name and RenWeb ID.
- Type a User Name, Password and Confirm the password.
- Click Save Password.A message displays at the top of the browser, “User Name/Password successfully updated.”
- You can now log into ParentsWeb using your new User Name (is your email address) and Password.
We look forward to your participation. Together we can continue to improve our children’s academic development as well as communication between our school and your home.