Note from the Director
We are looking forward to another successful DeBakey Sports Day! All parents are welcome to attend if your schedule permits. As students are continuing their 4th grading cycle, please encourage our students to focus and perform well. We also hope to see our parents at the upcoming Parent Teacher Conference.
Please ensure your child is present by 6:55 AM. Our school day starts promptly at 7 AM.
March Reading Madness
March Reading Madness will begin in March and continue through April. The activities during this month are designed to improve the literacy across the whole school. As competitions with prize incentives will take place during this time, students will receive details for each event during their homeroom classes. Please encourage your child’s enthusiasm!
Event Flyer: March Reading Madness
Upcoming Holiday
Spring Break: April 16 – 20, 2017
Students are not to attend school during the dates listed above.
Please note that excused absences will not be permitted for extended vacation times beyond the listed holiday.
Parent/Teacher Conference
The Spring Semester Parent/Teacher Conference will be held on March 22 & 23, 2017. This conference time will allow for a brief 5 minute meeting with the teacher. If more time is needed, please schedule individual meetings on a different day. Teacher contact information is provided on RenWeb.
Please note that both days will be early dismissal for students at 1:15 PM.
- Grades 6, 7, 8: Wednesday, March 22, 1:30 PM – 4 PM
- Grades 9, 10, 11, 12: Thursday, March 23, 1:30 PM – 4 PM
RenWeb Access
This is a reminder that our RenWeb system is an excellent tool for parents to use to keep track of their child’s academic performance in class.
The school will continue to send progress reports throughout each cycle, but RenWeb allows ongoing access to student: grades, conduct / behavior and tardy/absence recordings. Teacher contact information is also available through the RenWeb system. Please use the link below for directions on how to set up a Parent RenWeb account if you do not currently have access.
Class of 2017 College Acceptances

Our seniors have applied to several universities all over the world. Their college acceptances are now starting to arrive. In recognition of their achievement, we will share the great news with you through each newsletter! So far, their acceptances are as follows:
- Georgia State University
- Brock University
- American University of Sharjah
- Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
- Tufts University
- Liverpool International College
- University of Manchester
- University of Sheffield
- University of Surrey
- Brunel University London
- Michigan State University
- University of Leicester
You may also view past university choices from previous graduates here.
Recent Happenings
- Cycle 3 Awards Ceremony
- Movie & Popcorn ‘End of Cycle Fun Event’
- Technology classes have been added to Grade 8 courses, Semester 2
- Weill Cornell Winter Program Completion
- PTA Rise ‘n Coffee
- FAME Conference Texas A & M
- Scientific Research Project
- Grade 7 & 8 INJAZ Program
- MUN Conference Participation at Georgtown
- HST 2 Dental Field Trip
- French class Field Trip
- Photo Day (if you still need to place an order, contact Mr. Justin)
- World Scholar’s Cup – Doha round
- Quran Competition – boys & girls
- On-going Fire Drill Practice
Technology Application Course
DeBakey is continuously implementing courses to challenge and prepare students. During the second semester of the 2016-17 academic year, 8th grade students are offered a Technology Application course. This course is essential for all students entering high school and it serves as a prerequisite for the Robotics course offered in grade 9. In this course, students will learn the foundations of technology, terms, data input strategies and will make informed decisions about technologies and their applications.
Social Media
Please note that we have started our social media accounts. This will serve as an additional avenue for you to know the recent happenings at school. We will include student input to work with the accounts as well. You are encouraged to ‘like’ & follow for relevant updates.
Click the below icons for links to our social pages.

Upcoming PTA Events
Family Fun Day will take place April 8th, 10 AM – 2 PM! More details soon! The planning meetings are taking place on March 7, 14, 21, 28 at 2:30 PM.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the PTA events!
If you are interested to join PTA, please contact us! We would love for more parents to be involved.
We are now accepting applications for the 2017 – 2018 School Year! We are considering applications for grades 6 – 10 only. If you have any children or relatives who would like to be considered for next school year’s enrollment, now is the time to begin the application process.
A few requirements have changed for the next school year. Please visit the Admissions link located on the website for more information. To take the assessment it is only necessary to complete the registration form through the link below. Next Assessment: March 16, 2017, 2PM
We have a bright future ahead!
Mentorship Program
This is a reminder that each student has been assigned a mentor from our faculty. As this program was initiated last year, we have continued this school year. This program allows each student to be known by at least on staff member to act as their advocate. Please check with your child concerning their mentor.