Note from the Director
It was a pleasure to see many of you on Family Fun Day!
We are very close to the end of the school year, please continue motivating our students to study and excell. There are standardized exams that will take place during this cycle to assess areas of growth and needed improvement. As we did last year, we will incorporate competitive ‘growth’ recognitions to further encourage the students’ best performance on the exams. Reminder that our Science Fair will take place this Wednesday; we hope you will attend!
Upcoming Events
College Board AP Testing: May 1 – 11 (applies to those taking AP courses)
Science Fair: May 3, 7:15 AM – 9 AM
Grade 9 PSAT: May 4, 1:30 PM – 4 PM
(Pre-registration required) Registration Link:
CPR Certification Course: May 6 & 13 (Registration through HST 1 teachers)
Grade 11 Parent Night: May 7, 6 PM – 7 PM
MAP Testing (Gr. 7 -10): May 8 -10
Principal’s Awards Ceremony: May 11 (invitations will be sent to involved students & parents)
Stanford 10 Testing (Gr. 11 & 12): May 15 – 17
Next School Year Calender
As you begin to make travel arrangements for next school year, please view the 2017 – 2018 School Year Calendar. Pending the Ministry of Education & Higher Education’s final approval, our school year calendar will remain as presented. The start date for next school year is Sunday, September 10, 2017.
Please keep in mind that extended holidays are considered an Unexcused Absence. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this matter.
Required Summer Reading
The required summer reading books are posted on the website. Students must read the required books during the summer break and expect discussion, review and assessment when they return from summer break. Please note that this is not optional nor is it a competition; all students must read the required summer reading books. They are quite interesting books! Teachers will not delay any related assignments once school starts; all reading must be done prior to school starting. As page numbers will be referenced during class discussions, specific editions are suggested. Therefore, the necessary ISBN numbers are indicated as well.
Required Summer Reading List:
Recent Happenings
- Family Fun Day
- Shams Generation Exhibition (visit the Fire Station Museum to view our projects! Unitil May 4th)
- Grade 8 PSAT
- AP Mock Exams
- Hamad Hospital Rotations
- Senior Banquet
- iEarn Project Presentations
- Cycle 4 Awards Assembly
- College of the North Atlantic – Study Skills field trip
- Hidden Figures – American History field trip
- After school handball competitions (boys & girls separately)
- Sports competitions with other schools (Boys – football & basketball, Girls – track & field)
- Debate Qatar Pre-National Competitions
- Weill Cornell Healing Hands Competition
- Project Transylvania Spring Break Trip
- Autism Awareness Day
- Lend A Hand Club ‘For Africa’ Spirit Week
Social Media
Please note that we have started our social media accounts. This will serve as an additional avenue for you to know the recent happenings at school. We will include student input to work with the accounts as well. You are encouraged to ‘like’ & follow for relevant updates.
Click the below icons for links to our social pages.

Upcoming PTA Events
Our final PTA event will take place during Teacher Appreciation Week. There is a scheduled lunch on Tuesday, May 2nd, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. We hope you are able to contribute a dish! Please view the link for details:
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the PTA events!
Class of 2017 College Acceptances

Our seniors have applied to several universities all over the world. Their college acceptances are now continuing to arrive. In recognition of their achievement, we will share the great news with you through each newsletter! So far, their acceptances are as follows:
- Georgetown University – Qatar
- Northwestern Univerisity – Qatar
- Concordia University
- St. George’s University of London
- University of Buffalo
- Virginia Commonwealth University – Qatar
- American University – Dubai
- California College of Arts
- St. Francis Xavier University
- Stony Brook University
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Ontario of Technology
- Georgia State University
- Brock University
- University of North Dakota
- Trent University
- University of Calgary
- American University of Sharjah
- Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
- Tufts University
- Ryerson University
- Liverpool International College
- University of Manchester
- University of Sheffield
- University of Surrey
- Brunel University London
- Michigan State University
- University of Leicester
You may also view university choices from previous graduates here.